Recent Post byTECNOTask

Rating Di LegalitĆ 

2020 Rating LegalitĆ 

Triplet of UNI certificates for TECNOTask

The 2017 goal of Tecnotask Spa is the achievement of the ISO 14001-2015 environmental certification. The second stage audit should take place within the week 52 2017. Therefore Tecnotask expects…

TECNOTask: present on the DCUS project in Gdansk

In close cooperation with Kinetics Technology TECNOTask will take part in the DCU project to improve the production efficiency of the Polish Grupa LOTOS SA refinery.

Keegan, Belgium

Start the year well for TECNOTask, winning the second contract on the European territory. Soon the start of the Keegan project in Belgium, working directly with the Stork contractor

TECNOTask: start fabrication at the Stork offices

Part in Belgium at the Stork workshops, the prefabrication by TECNOTask workers of spools piping in stainless steel and carbon steel. The pipeline produced will be used to expand the…